The Shake Shoppe

By Carter Berry

Shake Shoppe Photo
From the "colored" suggestion of a stuftshirt to the green goo flavored mint milkshake, the Shake Shoppe in Gallipolis, OH delivered. There was an entire section on the menu devoted to fried items. How many families of four does it take to fill up a booth in the Shake Shoppe? Answer: 1/4. A family of four simply decided to commandeer an entire corner of the restaursnt, we aren't body shaming here just observing cultural practice. As much of a site that was to see we were probably far more interesting considering that they did not stop staring at us the entire time we were there. The food was as good as any normal fast food restaurant but it felt like we were stuck in time in the 1980s as everyone had paper hats on and didn't really know what was going on. A debate was brought up after we left and continued our way through Southwest Ohio as to would the Shake Shoppe survive in Charlottesville? I say absolutely not because the food wasn't all that delicious but Dan said if they have an upgraded building it could thrive, green goo and all. All in all it's been a thrilling opening 4 hours to our long journey to Minneapolis. Also, there's something really really important that I wanted to say...